How to unlock the Safe Daich Yichud in Wolfenstein Youngbood

The latest update for Wallenstein Young blood has officially been posted online, adding several new features to the game. This includes new treasury hunting missions, as well as additional capabilities, new skins and more.

But there is also a new interesting object to get: the Safe DACH Fichu. According to the machine developers games, it contains a divine key element that could change the given against the Nazi diet. The real question here, however, is how to get it.

Fortunately, we have the necessary advice to acquire the trunk. Be ready for a fight, though. This is a reward that is not easy.

Finish DACH Fichu Artifacts

First, you must be at the game where the end of the game is in progress. This is where you will have access to a secondary mission called Artifacts de Daich Fichu. Start in this mission and finish it successfully. You can then open another secondary quest, called treasure hunt.

This next mission has exactly the same features and throws you in a quest to find the Safe The at Fichu. But there are some areas you will need to cross first.

News and their enemies

The first of these areas is a Parisian tank and the second, a secret bunker Nazi, loaded up to enemies. In addition to the routine soldiers that you will encounter, these areas have three new types of enemies to which you will face: the Wurmlochsoldat, Electrodrohne and the Surround.

The Wurmlochsoldat is the most delicate of these new enemies because they use the teleportation to try to win a point of observation on your team. Make sure to eliminate them quickly before they jump on it and attack.

The electrodrohne (Tesla drone) is also a little embarrassing, it rains shots in different areas. Use your weapons and destroy them at sight.

Finally, the surround is not only very dangerous, but it can also send you lasers. Observe your footsteps and raining fed shots.

Da'at Yichud Artifacts | Side Mission|  Wolfenstein Youngblood

Once you have crossed these areas, you will have access to the Safe The at Fichu, as well as treats it contains. But, more importantly, you will also see many treasure cards available in the Missions menu. This will allow you to recover even more artifacts during the game. By looking for you, you will earn additional XP s, silver pieces and a new skill point for your soldier. So, they are worth it. You can see some artifacts found with the video trophy gamers below.

Wallenstein Young blood is now available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC.
