Valorant: the unfairly played the Riot rules and converts the game into call of duty

This Week in Hearthstone: Is this META making players QUIT Hearthstone? Iksar responds! From the launch of Valorant , Riot Games has been working to deepen his facet of tactical shooter. Thus, he has managed to avoid some of the main problems related to mobility and ease to get casualties while traveling. A process that has been dilated along several patches and is right now at its best. However, there are still situations in which the title is passed to the arcade giving rise to plays that skip their basic rules.

The play that Riot has tried to avoid from the premiere of the game

A player wanted to share with the community a play in which he gets what he would seem impossible: Three consecutive casualties while moving through the air with Jett injuries. Thus, despite being in a situation where the dispersion is maximum, luck is put on his side so that a few bullets end up connecting with enemies. Most of them touched enough to fall from an impact that, by force to empty chargers, just arrived.

The dispersion of the projectiles in Valorant is a matter of probability , so that against enemies of a certain level is practically impossible to carry out this type of movement due to simple mathematics. In these cases they are capable of reacting before one of these imprecise projectiles reaches them. However, when we have time and a full charger, it is a matter of not stopping pressing the trigger until ever we get up.

The truth is that there are no easy solutions to prevent this type of plays from taking place in the valorant games. From Riot Games have increased dispersion on many occasions, making a great effort on patch 3.0 so that static players have enough advantage with most weapons. Chance can lead to this type of Call of Duty style play , but it is impossible to eliminate them completely.



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