PS plus error makes the PS5
The PS Plus Collection brings various PS4 blockbusters to the PS5. Anyone who has a PS plus subscription must be for Kracher like Days Gone, God of War, Bloodborne, Resident Evil 7, Cod Black Ops 3 and many more not again extra into the pocket - but only if you have a PS5. Now an exploit makes the round, the parts of the PS plus collection probably also available for all PS plus subscribers, which have 'only' a PS4. But here is caution.
PS Plus-Bug: Resident Evil 7, Battlefield 1 & Co without additional costs?
It's about it: Apparently there is the possibility to download about workarounds quasi free PS4 games, which should actually only be available for PS5 owners via the PS Plus Collection for free. On Reddit, Resetera and Co find various reports that it should have worked with Resident Evil 7, Battlefield 1, The Last Guardian, Cod Black Ops 3, Final Fantasy 15, Detroit: Become Human or Monster Hunter World.
Apparently, the PS4 fans use demo versions of these games and choose the purchase option from this demos. From there you will be forwarded to the shop page and get there falsely a 100% discount if you own PS plus. This seems to work with all games of the collection, which offer free additional content. However, some commentators already report that the bug does not work anymore. The demo to Resident Evil 7, for example, currently can not be downloaded from the shop.
But beware! If such a guide enters and now thinks: Hey, awesome, I do that too, maybe your enthusiasm may prefer. It is apparently about such an intended mistake. Who exploits this exploit could risk that the complete account is not locked. In any case, Sony warns in the terms of use.
What could mean that? Some PS4 users suggest that this bug could suggest that soon the complete PS plus collection could be made available for people without PS5. But here, too, that you would rather not be happy too early, that sounds rather unlikely.
We have followed at Sony, which has the mistake. As soon as we know more and receive an answer, we update the article.
With the game licenses of PS Plus and PS Now there were always problems again. So it could happen, for example, that even purchased titles were no longer playable. If you want to know which title these month as a bonus at PS Plus will be found here.
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