Outer Wilds: Extension "Echoes of the Eye" surprisingly revealed - appointment and trailer

With the Sci-Fi Adventure "Outer Wilds" Mobius Digital brought one of the overflow of the year 2019 on the market. After the adventure could clear several awards as a game of the year, the developers in cooperation with Annapurna Interactive announced an extension called "Echoes of the Eye", which already on September 28, 2021 for the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One, the Nintendo Switch and the PC should be released.

The solar system takes your help again

War Thunder -

In "Echoes of the Eye" one will take a further time with the secrets of the solar system and get a further time in the wilderness. As a new recruit of the emerging space program Outer Wilds Ventures, you will be looking for answers in the strange, constantly evolving solar system. What gloomy dangers lurk this time in the depths of the universe?

"Outer Wilds" could surprise the critics with his time loop, which sends one again and again to the beginning of the first day. Only the memories that you've collected in time are preserved before one goes into the own spaceship again and again dared to the planets. The adventure inspired several games like "Returnal" and "Deathloop", which now also experiment with time-cut. In "Outer Wilds", however, one had always had only a certain time available before the loop struck.

Here is the new trailer for the extension "Echoes of the Eye":

Further news about Outer Wilds.

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