How long does it last 5 Strikers?

If you ask how much time you will need to invest in person 5 Strikers, this guide covers everything.

Person 5 Strikers is a direct continuation of person 5 (not Royal, unfortunately) but instead of following the typical RPG format for shifts of person games, Strikers changes things with an action RPG battle style. This refreshing change of rhythm is due to the fact that Strikers is the result of a collaboration between P-Studio and developers behind the Dynasty Warriors, Omega Force franchise.

Related: Person 5 Strikers: The best beginner tips

There are some other changes in the style of play, but in essence, Strikers remains a person game. If you loved person 5, then you should also enjoy Strikers. One thing is safe, Strikers is much easier to complete and platinum. But how long does it take exactly to complete?

How long does it take to complete person 5 Strikers?

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