Arcade works with PewDiepie to apply his Motion Blaster Light Gun for mobile phones

The manufacturer of Gaming Periphering Arcade has teamed up with the controversial Youtuber pewdiepie to announce the start of an IndexGogo campaign for its upcoming Motion Blaster light gun.

With the device itself you can perform full 360 degree point and recording actions by using your phone - either iOS or Android - into the peripheral device and then start the game that comes to mind. It supports both PC and cell phone games.

Apart from that, it will not be compatible with every title on the market, at least not at the start. Instead, hundreds of games are supported, including almost all of today's top titles. From a mobile point of view, the two outstanding characteristics so far Shadowgun was Games and Modern Combat 5.

Pewdiepie is a well-known name practiced in the past criticism of his online behavior, perhaps most remarkable than he used a racist Slur at the end of 2017 at LiveStreaming. He is seen in the above trailer footage, as he demonstrates the capabilities of the Motion Blaster.

The device looks quite neat and offers two different game modes to try out. There is a 360 degree mode in which you will get up and active, and a 180 degree mode in which the action remains directly in front of you. This means that you can play your games with your blaster, whether you sit down or get up.

On the device you will see LED lights that persecute your health, reloading, firing, different status effects and more. It will be available for retailing $ 99 and be available in different colors and designs, including the Demon Blaster and PewDiepie variants.

I also find it good that you can play your PC games via the streaming app on your mobile device. It works with the cloud gaming service of Nvidia, Geforce Now, if you prefer. You also have the option of streaming your gameplay at the button on the blaster directly on Twitch and YouTube.

The Indiegogo campaign runs from today to 24 April and aims to $ 50,000. With more than $ 10,000, which have already been collected, the target is guaranteed in the next month.

Uch after multiplayer games to try them with friends? Here are 25 of the best for iPhone and iPad


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